
Case Studies

A Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Our case subject is a hospital specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine in the East China Region. Originally established in the 1960s, it is now a tertiary hospital offering medical care, education, research, and healthcare services in the region. With more than 900 staff members and 600 ward beds on a 17.5-acer campus, this state-of-the-art healthcare facility currently receives 1.12+ million patient-visits a year.To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a disguised name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as HTCM, short for Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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    A Smart City in China

    Our case subject is a prefectural-level city located in the East China Region; governing several city districts, counties, development and functional zones, and county-level cities; with size just over 3,000 square miles and a population of approximately 7.3 million. To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a pseudo name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as CSSC, short for Case Study Smart City.

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      A Provincial Hospital in China

      Our case subject is a provincial hospital located in the East China Region. Originally founded by American missionaries in the late 1900th, the century-old tradition and evolution has turned it into a nationally recognized first-rate regional healthcare facility. To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a disguised name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as CSPH, short for Case Study Provincial Hospital.

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        A Commodity Exchange in China

        Our case subject is a commodity exchange located at a Pilot Free Trade Zone in the South China Region. It primarily determines and enforces rules and procedures for the trading of commodities and related investments; where various commodities and derivative products are traded. To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a disguised name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as CSCE, short for Case Study Commodity Exchange.

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          A Television Station in China

          Our case subject is a prominent China-based media conglomerate, which actively serves its national audience base with broadcast content over television, newspaper, Internet and new media. To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a disguised name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as CSTV, short for Case Study Television Station.

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            A News Media Group in China

            This case subject is a prominent China-based newspaper media group, which started out as a single daily newspaper in the late 1940’s, grew to position itself as the mainstream regional news authority over the next half a century, and has structured and been operating the newspaper media group under its current name since the mid-2000’s. To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a pseudo name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as CSMG, short for Case Study Media Group.

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              A Provincial Waterway Bureau in China

              This case subject is a Chinese Provincial Waterway Bureau. As a branch of the Provincial Department of Transportation, it is responsible for construction, maintenance and administration of all provincial waterways, to assure safe and clear passage. To protect its privacy, our customer has requested that we write this story under a pseudo name. We honor that request and simply refer to it as CSWB, short for Case Study Waterway Bureau.

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                Smooth Skies Ahead

                HA-AP secures on-time delivery of business-
                critical contents for world's leading commercial
                communication and entertainment system provider of airline industry.

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                  Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine

                  This Clinical Research Center at Leeds Institute
                  of Molecular Medicine, UK, required continuous
                  data availability and data protection. HA-AP
                  enabled the real-time replication of their
                  critical research data on mixed FC storage
                  systems over different buildings.

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                    Walter Cronkite School of Journalism

                    At the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
                    where many of this country's next generation
                    of journalists learn their craft, delivery of daily
                    news over public airwaves depends on Apple
                    IT infrastructure. Walter Cronkite uses a HA-AP
                    high-availability, disaster recovery solution to ensure the availability of broadcast content during and after broadcasts.

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                      Founded in 1986, Humac is Apple’s largest
                      independent Premium Reseller in the
                      Scandinavian region. Humac operates 25 retail
                      stores, 3 B2B offices, 3 warehouses, an online
                      business, and an IT service business for
                      individual and commercial customers; with presence in more than 15 countries. The IT department sought for a solution to keep all businesses running 24x7. HA-AP delivered.

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                        Zhejiang Jinhua Television Station

                        Located in Jinhua City, Zhejang Province, in the
                        People’s Republic of China, Jinhua Television
                        (JHTV) is the primary media provider for a
                        metropolitan area of over 10 million people.
                        The station needed a solution to ensure that
                        production operations have continuous access and data protection for the digital content used on daily basis. HA-AP was the answer.

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                          RTL Nord Television Station

                          nachtblau GmbH, a Hamburg Germany-based media, IT, and broadcast services provider and Loxoll customer, develops and produces television content for broadcasters and publishers through an integrated mix of production, graphics and IT services. RTL Nord, a nachtblau customer and affiliate of the $22 billion RTL Group, provides local TV news coverage and daily broadcasts to northern Germany. To deliver uninterrupted production and broadcast of RTL Nord Magazine evening news program, nachtblau needed a HA system solution.

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